
Nizels Golf and Country Club

Nizels Local Rules


1. Abnormal Course Conditions (Rule 16)

a) Immovable Obstructions include:

  • All artificially surfaced roads and paths
  • Split rail fences (Other than those marking the boundary of the course)

b) Areas defined as Ground Under Repair - defined by any area encircled by a white line or otherwise marked as GUR.

  • Areas in bunkers where sand has been removed by the movement of water resulting in deep furroughs through the sand.
  • Clearly defined wheet ruts and depressed areas over an underground drainage channel located in the General Area.
  • Cracks in the ground in the General Area cut to fairway height.
  • Plant beds running between the 1st and 10th tees.

c) Frozen greens when marked are considered a No Play Zone

2. Penalty Areas (Rule 17)

a) Penalty areas are identified by red stakes or lines.  If no such defining lines exists, the edge of the penalty area shall be where the ground breaks down to form the depression.

b) On the 2nd and 7th holes, if the ball lies in the red penalty area behind the green, additional relief may be taken by dropping the ball, under penalty of one stroke, in the dropping zone.

c) On the 8th hole, if there is doubt whether the ball is in or lost in the penalty area, the player may play a ball provisionally (Rule 17-1d) from the drop zone to the right of the red tee. If the original ball is found within the penalty area, within the 3 minute search time, the player may choose one of the following options:

  • Continue to play the original ball as it lies in the penalty area.
  • Continue to play the provisional ball.

d) Additional relief options are given to ditches on the 10th, 11th and 15th holes. Players may drop a ball under penalty of one stroke on the opposite edge of the penalty area. The reference point being the opposite point of the estimated last enrty point, no nearer the hole.

3. Out of Bounds

a) Beyond any hedge, fence, wall or line of white posts bounding the course.

b) When playing the 15th hole ONLY, beyond the white stakesand adjoining white line to the left of the fairway. Where no white lines exist, the out of bounds line is defined by the line of the tall rough or 3rd cut. When playing the 6th hole, the stakes must be treated as immovable obstructions.

c) The practice area located between the 9th and 13th holes, defined by white posts.

4. Special Procedures - Aeration Holes

On a putting green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be placed at the nearest spot, not nearer the hole, that avoids the situation.

Penalty for Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty (Rule 1.3c)

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